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07/23/2024 04:23:21 pm

Provision of Lifesaving and Life Sustaining Services to Refugee Returnees in Nangarhar and Balkh Provinces of Afghanistan

Training on the Afghan Child Read (ACR) Curriculum and Deployment of Coaches

The HOAD project team recently conducted a Training of Teachers (ToT)  as part of our educational initiative targeting refugee returnees in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. This initiative focuses on implementing the Afghan Child Read (ACR) Curriculum to bolster literacy and numeracy skills among refugee returnee students.

The ToT commenced with intensive training sessions designed to equip teachers from 10 targeted public schools with the necessary knowledge and instructional strategies outlined in the ACR Curriculum. The curriculum, tailored specifically for refugee returnee students, emphasizes foundational literacy and numeracy skills critical for academic success and future opportunities.

Participants engaged in comprehensive learning modules that covered curriculum content, teaching methodologies, and effective assessment practices. This preparation ensures that teachers are well-prepared to deliver quality education that meets the unique needs of refugee returnees.

The training focused on deploying skilled coaches to support 350 returning refugee students in 10 specific public schools. These coaches are trained to conduct thorough classroom observations and offer personalized feedback to students. Their goal is to help refugee returnee students enhance their literacy and numeracy skills, ultimately leading to improved engagement and academic achievement.

The primary objective of this initiative is to build the educational capacity of refugee returnee students in Nangarhar province, ultimately fostering their academic growth and future prospects. The project aims to create sustainable improvements in literacy and numeracy skills among students by implementing the ACR Curriculum and supporting teachers through trained coaches.

Through this holistic approach, the project addresses immediate educational needs and promotes community empowerment and resilience. By investing in the education of refugee returnees, we strive to contribute to long-term stability and development in Nangarhar province.