Our Values

Creating Shared Purpose

Ensure the active support of the community, CSOs, government, stakeholders, and target groups so they are fully engaged and motivated toward HOAD work and contribute effectively. We do this by communicating our purpose in a way that others can understand and that achieves a shared goal collectively.

Connecting With Others

Finding common ground and building relationships and networking to support the organization’s strategic goal and objectives. We do this by building trust with the community, CSOs, government, stakeholders, and target groups, by paying attention to their concerns and needs, and by showing that we understand their interests.

Working Together

Knowing that we will achieve more with other people than we can do separately, by sharing goals, expertise, and resources to add more value. We do this by agreeing on effective and respectful ways of sharing resources, information, expertise, and success through network/alliance building. This can generate mutual support, and shared benefits and promote interdependence.

Shaping The Future

We achieve better business, innovation, and growth by using professionalism, knowledge, and expertise to create a clear focus on what we want to achieve. We spot opportunities relevant to our target group’s needs and organization’s strategic objectives, plan appropriately and create innovative solutions that recognize ambiguity and deliver business benefit.

Making It Happen

HOAD delivers excellent results, achieves challenging goals, and develops its institutional capacity and local leadership. We do this by setting clear and demanding objectives to deliver what is required for the benefit of target groups with a focus on measurable outcomes while building longer-term capability. Demonstrate standards of excellence and deliver value for money. We measure progress and adapt plans when necessary.

Being Accountable

HOAD is accountable and committed to the target groups, civil society, government, and donors when delivering services and demonstrates resilience and determination. HOAD and its stakeholders are responsible for delivering goals in line with the shared purpose of the target groups, civil society, government, and donors. We give and accept constructive feedback to maximize high performance and manage underperformance.